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Transform your running - online run technique course

Posted by Khesane pretame on Sunday, 6 April 2014

Run Faster - Easier - Injury Free “So many athletes have emailed, tweeted and facebook messaged asking for a insights into the methods I use to help runners and triatletes achieve performance breakthroughs and overcome longterm injury. In response to this constant demand, I created this online coaching course…”

#1 - Many runners and triathletes never achieve their full potential, due to inefficient running form.

#3 - You can improve your running technique quicker than you think, by approaching it just like any other skill.

Get exclusive access to our MEMBERS ONLY FORUM for individual coaching advice, and added insight from our specialist coaching team:

James Dunne – Running Rehab Coach Gary Reynolds – Running Coach Leigh Boyle – Physical Therapist

Our physiotherapy and rehab team has created this twelve week programme to strengthen runner’s hips and protect their knees!

Become part of our inner circle of members and learn the skill of running efficiently and faster with stronger, more effective technique.

We show you how to harness significant energy from your upper body, and correct your running posture. All ultimately turning you into a more efficient, effective and balanced runner.

@KineticRev The difference in my running technique after week one of the course is amazing. More natural, less effort and move faster! #ta!

I’d been suffering from repeated cases of ITB Syndrome, which came back every time I ran for more than 30mins.

I’d been looking for a way to push my running...

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