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Angular Cheilitis Home Remedy

Posted by Khesane pretame on Saturday, 30 July 2016

Angular Cheilitis Home Remedy

Angular Cheilitis
This is an inflammation either on one or both corners of the mouth. Angular cheilitis usually starts to develop as a sensitive sore with little distress and eventually takes a more serious form that causes dryness, chapping, and red lesions. The infection does not spread because it only sticks to the area of the lips. Once a person is infected on one side of the mouth, it is highly recommended avoiding touching both corners with the same finger or lipstick.

Angular Cheilitis Home Remedy:

Drinking plenty of Water
Dehydration of the body typically leads to dried lips and consequently results in their cracking. The intake of plenty of water is a must to cure or avoid angular cheilitis. Water helps to flush out the bacteria that cause the condition and keep the lips hydrated for longer intervals, as in the case of any bacterial infection. In fact, when lips are dehydrated, they are prone to chapping and cracking, and this is more common during the winter and dry seasons.

Apply Honey
Honey can help deal with the fungi or the bacteria that cause the infection and ultimately leading to angular cheilitis. Honey contains very powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties that are essential in driving out the bacteria causing angular cheilitis. In addition, it contains soothing properties that can help to reduce the pain and inflammation caused by the sores, and also its antiseptic properties can help promote quick healing from the infection. 

You need to apply a good amount of raw or natural honey on your lips; leaving it on for about 30 minutes and afterward wash it off using lukewarm water, repeating the practice at least thrice a day for complete relief from the sores and lesions.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel usually has extremely relaxing properties and is used for the treatment of many skin conditions. It helps in alleviating the pain caused by angular cheilitis and completely treats the infection. In fact, Aloe Vera plant can easily be grown at home. You can just keep a leaf in the refrigerator and take it out whenever it is needed. As a matter of fact, this will make the gel even cooler and more relaxing when applying it on the affected area. Just rub it gently on the area and allow it to dry for 20 minutes before you wash it off. Generally, it will help heal the damaged skin tissue, and infection very first when applied twice a day.

Lemon is usually tweaked and the juice is massaged over the infected area in small circular movements for at least three minutes. Afterward, the lips and corners are then rinsed dry. For best results, the exercise should be continued for every 4-5 five hours. 
Wash with Liquid Dish Soap
Liquid dish soaps usually contain antifungal and antibacterial properties that help in fighting off the infection bacteria. Therefore, when you wash the lesions and sores on the lips using some dish washing soap solution, it will be very easy to deal with angular cheilitis and its painful symptoms quickly.

First, you need to wash your hands in water before applying a good amount of liquid dish soap. Make sure to work up a rich lather and apply it gently on the lesions and sores, but be careful not to swallow the lather in the process. Afterward, wash your lips with cold water after 10 minutes and dry them right away. Once you have completed, follow up with an antifungal cream or any of the homemade lip balms for lasting results. Don�t forget to repeat this for at least twice a day for extended relief. 

Apply Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda
Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda prove to be effective since they help get rid of the sores and lesions. Apply some diluted hydrogen peroxide on your lips before bedtime; following up with some baking powder. You can use a cotton ball to apply the powder gently on the lips. 

Leave it overnight and wash your lips with cold water in the morning. The baking soda keeps the lips dry and free of excess moisture, which would otherwise cause the bacteria to spread. The hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, tackles the bacteria causing the infection and flushes it out of the system. For effective results, this remedy should be followed for at least a week.

Olive oil
Olive oil is well known to be used to treat several skin conditions. Basically, Olive oil is a completely excellent moisturizer which is helpful in the treatment of angular cheilitis. It has strong antibacterial properties which help to kill the harmful microbes causing the condition. You need to warm a little olive oil and apply over the affected area, or can as well mix a few drops of lemon juice to improve the efficacy of this application. 

Tree oil
The painful slits at the corners of the mouth that are symptomatic of angular cheilitis can effectively be dealt with a homemade mixture; containing two tablespoons of tree tea oil and one tablespoon vitamin E oil. The mixture is applied over the affected area at least 4-5 times in a day. This herbal therapy is important in accelerating the healing process of slits in 3-4 days� time.

Vitamin B Complex Rich foods
Lack of the vitamin is a major cause of angular cheilitis in many people. Therefore, you can easily treat the infection by including more vitamin B complex rich foods such as legumes, carrots, tomatoes, and spinach in your diet. Make sure to regularly drink apple juice and tomatoes soup if you are prone to angular cheilitis. The high iron content can help improve your health immensely and prevent future recurrence of angular cheilitis.

Even though angular cheilitis is not at all fatal as it doesn�t involve chances of further complications, nevertheless, the condition is very irritating. The above discussed natural remedies are result oriented measures to completely tackle the situation. When the recommendations are careful observed; pain, soreness, and the infection can effectively be weakened and eventually gotten rid of.


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